Will Pacers Make Move for Stephenson’s Return?

As rumors of Michael Jordan’s buyers remorse concerning Lance Stephenson continue to grow, so does the talk of a potential reconciliation with the Pacers. As reported recently on ESPN.com, those rumors appear to be growing legs. In the midst of their longest losing streak in over five years, the Pacers, and commander-in-chief, Larry Bird, continue to search for answers. Could that spell the return of Lance Stephenson? Some think the writing may, in fact, be on the wall.
The Pacers have been playing, well, shall we say, less than inspiring basketball. On more than one occasion, I walked away from my TV, doing my best impression of Mr. Parker after a run in with the Bumpus’ dogs.
Some fans are wondering if the season can be salvaged, while others are wondering if it even should be. After Paul George’s gruesome leg fracture this summer, most fans realized this was going to be a tough season, but the results thus far may have even surprised the “glass is half empty” crowd. The Pacers currently own the fifth worst record in the lowly Eastern Conference at 8-17. At 9 games under .500, many Pacers fans, myself included, wonder if it’s time to start thinking about ping-pong balls instead of basketballs. At this point, does the Blue and Gold turn its attention to trying to secure a top-5 lottery pick? As many have speculated, the Pacers could use the pick, or opt to use it as trade bait to land a savvy veteran. Could they upgrade at point guard, or maybe even be able to get out from under Hibbert’s max contract? A single-digit lotto pick gives them plenty of options.
Where does Lance Stephenson fit into the Pacers future? Does he at all? Only Larry Bird knows the answer to that question, but with The Hornets offering Stephenson up on the trading block as early as tomorrow, things could get interesting quickly.
The last few years with the Pacers, Lance Stephenson had proven himself worthy of a big contract. As the team’s second leading scorer last season, “Born Ready,” teetered on the edge of being an all-star, and many, both in and outside the state of Indiana, felt that the Blue and Gold’s starting two guard was snubbed, and deserved to represent the East on All-star weekend.
It was no secret that Larry Bird appreciated the fourth year Pacer’s tenacity and nack for scoring the ball, but while Lance brought quite a bit of energy and talent to the Pacers’ roster, he certainly had his share of “what the hell?” moments of less than desirable behavior. I have to admit, I wanted to reach into the screen and smack him on more than one occasion. After enduring the aftermath of he historic “Malice in the Palace,” seeing some of Lance’s antics certainly are enough to make Pacers fans feel a little uneasy at times. I’ve even heard a few fans compare him to the artist formerly known as Ron Artest a few times. Although, to be fair, Lance has never punched a fan in the face, destroyed a TV camera, and has yet to release a rap album (at least I hope not.)
Why do I bring all of that up? Well, despite his “rough around the edges” demeanor, most Pacers fans would have agreed going into the off-season, that re-signing Lance Stephenson was something that Larry Bird should put as a high priority. Although the Pacers front office appeared to make every effort to ink Stephenson to another contract, as everyone already knows ultimately it would not be in the cards, as Lance signed a shorter contract with Michael Jordan and the Charlotte Hornets.
Rumor has it that Lance would have ideally preferred to stay in Indianapolis, but there was a disagreement about how long the contract should be. Larry Bird, it would seem, favored a longer contract, to try to secure Stephenson’s talents and solidify the Pacer’s long-term goals of staying on top of the East. Lance had other plans. It’s no secret that the with the new NBA mega TV deal, players that are free agents when it goes into effect would likely put themselves in a favorable position for higher paying max contracts. This wasn’t a case of an unhappy player simply wanting out. Bottom line, despite “crazy Lance,” Bird wanted to keep “good Lance”, and Lance wanted to stay in Indy. The opportunity for a faster big payout just got in the way.
Did Lance’s exodus create a rift between him and the Pacers front office brass? It would be all speculation one way or the other, but at this stage, it would certainly appear that the Pacers would be the most likely trade destination, simply because they know what they’re getting, and may be willing to take a chance that Stephenson could return to the Lance that averaged 13.8 points per game last season, and led the league in triple-doubles with five.
Charlotte owner Michael Jordan likely figured the Stephenson’s numbers would balloon with the Hornets, with the enigmatic guard filling more of a “go to” role, but instead, his numbers have slumped this season, averaging a little over 10 points per contest. One would assume that this is likely just a chemistry issue, but one that has put Charlotte into a difficult situation. Michael Jordan has become what the real estate industry would call a “motivated seller,” and opposing teams know it, which could spell a deal for the team willing to make a deal for the five-year NBA veteran.
Many around the league may see Stephenson as toxic at this point, so it would leave the Hornets’ front office with few options. In fact, Indiana might be the only potential customer for what the Hornets are trying to sell. Could this be a perfect storm for Larry Bird and the Pacers?
Perhaps they could find a way to throw Hibbert into the mix? (Please?) The Pacers’ off season efforts to “quietly shop” for trade offer for the inconsistent big man were quite possibly the worst kept secret in basketball this summer. Maybe Bird even could bully Jordan into offering a first round pick?
Do the Pacers want Stephenson back? I believe they’d take him back, under the right circumstances. It’s doubtful that adding Stephenson would have that big of an impact on this season, especially if the Pacers have to give up a significant contributor to get him, but regaining Lance’s services would make them one step closer to recreating the roster that achieved the #1 seed in the Eastern Conference a year ago. Add to that a lottery pick (or two) and/or a veteran point guard, and you may just have a recipe for a title run.
If Lance is destined to return to the circle city, my guess is that the transaction will get pretty complicated. We might just see an old-fashioned “Jordan vs Bird” battle of the two front offices (and yes, you weren’t the only one who just imagined the old video game.) Bird is a very smart businessman. If he managed to get some fries to make it combo meal, he might be enticed to bring Lance back to Indianapolis. Whether that happens or not depends on how badly Jordan wants to make a deal.
Look folks, Lance may have his flaws, and yes, the guy is nuts. Should the Pacers trade to get him back? I don’t know. All I do know is Larry wanted him back this summer, and has an opportunity to get him back now. The only thing that has changed is the opportunity to get even more along with him. Stephenson may or may not end up ultimately suiting up for the Blue and Gold once again this season, but I think we can trust Bird to do what’s best for the team. Larry Bird is holding all the cards right now, and my guess is he knows it. If Stephenson returns to Indy, it will be because Jordan caved in to Bird and threw in something (or someone) extra. The Pacers could have a chance to have their cake and eat it too…
That’s not a bad thing. It’s just good business.