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"NBA players got into an emoji war over DeAndre Jordan today. EMOJI-GATE ROUND UP"

The Emoji War Highlights

DeAndre Jordan’s cold feet has led to a social media frenzy and an epic emoji war after ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne announced the Clippers were en route to Houston.

Then, Chandler Parson fired the first tweet in the emoji war. A detailed breakdown was provided by Ben Bolch and Broderick Turner of the LA Times’ Clippers Now:

"Jordan also was expected to meet Wednesday with Dallas owner Mark Cuban and forward Chandler Parsons, who were trying to have Jordan fulfill his vow to join the Mavericks. Parsons touched off a Twitter war of emojis when he tweeted one of an airplane, suggesting he was en route to meet with Jordan. That prompted the Clippers’ Redick to respond with a car emoji since he presumably could have driven to Houston from his home in Austin, Texas. Things were just starting to get creative. Griffin tweeted emojis of an airplane, a helicopter and a car. Paul joined the fun when he tweeted emojis of a banana and a boat, a reference to the banana boat he rode earlier this week in the Bahamas. Clippers assistant coach Mike Woodson weighed in with a swimming emoji, and Pierce, apparently unsure how to attach an emoji, attached a picture of a rocket ship."